Kajsa Olofsson
Senior Consultant & Partner
Kajsa Olofsson has been working in PR, advertising and marketing since 2007, both at agencies (such as Micael Bindefeld AB) and inhouse (Fiat Group Automobiles AB, Southside Stories, Lilla Piratförlaget). She specializes in clients from creative and culture fields, but has also worked a lot with food and restaurants, sports, retail and technology. Examples of clients through the years: Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde, Di Gasell, GB Glace, Bosch and Svensk Galopp.
E-mail: kajsa(at)ascaripr(dot)com
Mob: +46 70 488 6001

Hansi Friberg
Strategic Consultant & Partner
As a manager, A&R and promoter in the international music business for more than 25 years, working with artists like Sahara Hotnights, Titiyo, Sabaton, The Pipettes (UK), Marit Bergman, Melody Club etc, Hansi has always been working very close to the musicians and their PR departments to make sure the strategy for building the artist’s career has been spot on target. Because of his passion for PR, strategic thinking and building careers for brands and artists he also worked as an independent PR consultant for clients like the iconic band Motörhead, Indy 500 champion Kenny Bräck, Sweden’s largest festival Peace & Love Festival and many more.
E-mail: hansi(at)ascaripr(dot)com
Mob: +46 70 440 8510